Rev. James & Adavee Pomerich
James serves as Lead Pastor. He also works full time for the City of Willard. His wife Adavee serves as the Worship Director and Event Planner. They've been married since 2004 and have two teenagers. A daughter Lydia and a son Ethan. Adavee began attending the Willard Church of the Nazarene after her marriage with James. She had attended and served on the worship team of another church in town. Early on she was asked to lead the Worship team and has led there ever since. Pastor James moved to Willard when he was a teenager. He started attending the Willard Church of the Nazarene in the 90's. At a revival service (he did not want to go to) where Elaine Pettit was preaching, God grabbed a hold of him and called him to surrender his entire life. That was a huge turning point for him. He was called to preach under Pastor Doc Burrows and spent time as a Youth Pastor. He was ordained in 2014 and served as an Associate Pastor until 2020 where he took over as Interim Lead Pastor on September 13, 2020. This happened during the Covid pandemic. On November 22, 2020, the Church voted James as Lead Pastor and he was officially installed on January 17, 2021. If you want to talk to Pastor James, email him here. |
Sharon Sebolt, NMI (Missions) President Erin Kennard, NYI (Teens) President Nancy Resendez, NDI (Sunday School) President Alice Wittington, Head Steward Karol Tussing, Steward Debbie Smith, Steward Lanny Gilbert, Head Trustee Brian Howard, Trustee Jim Gilliam, Trustee Church Board Secretary: Nancy Resendez NDI BOARD Nancy Resendez-President Barb Ball Hope Gilbert Linda Prater Linda Franks Tami Kousma Jeri Starlin Ministry Leaders Barnabas: Sharon Sebolt Children’s Director: Phyllis Hamons Children’s Quizzing: Arda Beekman Compassionate Ministry: Brenda Daniel Counting: Brian Howard Decorating: Diane Willet Funeral Dinners: Carol Barnett Finance Committee/Treasurer: Brent Ball Grief Share: Nancy Resendez Haitian Ministry: Howard Scott IT Director: Nathan Starlin Landscaping: Lanny Gilbert Men’s Ministry: Troy Slauterbeck Ministry Safe: Andy Nedolast Missions (NMI): Sharon Sebolt Mowing: Cliff Smith Nursery: Brittany Resendez Prayer: Sharon Sebolt Prime Time/Seniors: Vacant Social Media: Andrew Bair Sound Team: Nathan Starlin Steward: Karol Tussing Sunday School Director (NDI): Nancy Resendez Teens (NYI): Erin Kennard Trustee & Building: Lanny Gilbert Usher/Chair Setup: Brian Howard Vehicles: Tommy Kennard Visitation: Karol Tussing & Hope Gilbert Welcome Committee: Linda Prater Women’s Ministry: Arda Beekman Worship Director: Adavee Pomerich |