What's our Church look like?
We are worshipping together in person, and we also livestream our services. Several small groups meet throughout the week. We have a group for those dealing with loss on Monday nights. Bible study is extremely important, so we have Sunday School and Wednesday night groups for all ages to study the word. Sunday nights we get together for an intimate time of prayer. What's our worship service look like? The worship team comes in at 8:45 am and prays and then starts practicing. That's when our doors open and we start brewing the coffee and putting out something to eat. Sunday School for all ages start at 9:30am in the classrooms. People normally start arriving at 9:15 am for Sunday School. At 10:30, those that want, can pray together for every aspect fo the coming worship time. We want to be led by God. When you come we take prayer requests in our foyer at the connection center. On that card you can designate whether you want that request to be public so everyone can pray for you or private where just our designated prayer team will pray for you. There will be someone standing there and if you want, they will even pray for you right then and there. At 10:45 am our service starts with announcements and a prayer. Our worship team then begins to play. We sing more modern and contemporary music. Our worship leader plays a piano, we have two members who are guitarist, and another that is on the drums. We are blessed to have people that lead us to focus on God during this time. After we all sing together, we pray for the prayer requests that are known and then call up our children and pray for them and their teachers. The kids age Kindergarten - 5th grade are dismissed to Children's Church. We also have a nursery available most Sundays you can utilize. Our Pastor preaches the word of God after the kids leave. That sermon usually lasts around 30 minutes. Our lead pastor is more textual in his preaching style as opposed to topical. That just means he generally uses one passage of scripture and lets that speak instead of a bunch of different verses to talk about some topic. After the service is over, some people leave right away and some people stay and fellowship for a bit. Check out our Sermons Page and watch a service. |
What should I wear
While serving as a youth pastor, we had a large Wednesday night group of teenagers and many did not come to Church on Sunday. When I asked some of those that didn't come why they didn't, they said they didn't have "church clothes". That hit me. Why would our teens feel that burden to look a certain way in order for them to be accepted. I know we had never said that in our church or taught that but some how we had communicated that to them. Our town is over 50% low income and struggle financially. From then on I did not dress up for church because I wanted them to know that wasn't important. I wanted them to know that God loves them and accepts them no matter what they wear. He's far more concerned over the inside then the outside. Today, many of us dress casually. Some of us wear jeans and t-shirts. Some of us dress up a little. Your welcome either way. We say come as you are. That means you could wear a hat, you could even wear a Michigan Wolverines shirt or Pittsburg Steelers shirt. I don't know why you would but you'd welcome here (hope you get our sense of humor). Seriously though, your welcome here just as you are. Offering Plates and Bibles
If you go through our service you will notice that we don't pass an offering plate. There is a place when you come in the doors where you can give to support the church and it's ministries. We believe God calls His people to give and we see giving as an act of worship. So, you can put your tithes and offerings in those boxes or you can even give online. On the tables with the offering boxes, we also have Life Application Study Bibles that are free for anyone. These Bibles are great. They have the passage of scripture along with a commentary that helps explain what the passage is talking about. When you are first starting out, the Bible can be confusing. So, we invest in these Bibles and give them away to anyone that wants one. We even have large print if you need that and Teen Study Bibles. What about Politics
You will find Republicans, Democrats, Libertarians, and those that are undecided in attendance. We encourage people to be involved in politics and to try an influence whatever party they are a part of to be in line with the Word of God. We also want to be people that pray for our political leaders. We don't look to politics as our savior though. We believe the best chance our nation has is if people give their lives to Christ and look to building His Kingdom, the Kingdom of God. So, that is our focus. That doesn't mean we ignore the issues of our day. We will speak to them. When we do this, the Word of God is our truth and that is what we teach. We also recognize that when we speak the truth it must be done with the same grace that has been shown and given to us. That is what Christ demonstrated when it came to the woman caught in adultery. He first told her that He did not condemn her and then He said to go and leave your life of sin. We all have sinned and we have had our lives turn upside down by God. We want people to experience that, to be set free. So grace and truth need to be what we speak. |